Games: Episode 23 - A Wasted Recording


The apocalypse is nearly upon us but we're still here! Back from a short break due to Clive being in Switzerland and eating lots of cheese and chocolate, it's games time again! Alex hosts as he, Clive, James Flux and David Pealing discuss a whole bunch of games. One of us has bought that VR thing too. Here's a list of all the games discussed and the platforms we played them on:

Injuctice 2 (PS4)
Mafia 3 (PS4)
Splatoon 2 (Nintendo Switch)
Playstation VR
Super Mario Maker 3DS
A quick rundown of The Witcher 3 and Rise of The Tomb Raider (PS4)

Please help our expansion efforts by telling your friends, following us on Twitter @StickAroundCast, liking us on, and leaving us reviews on iTunes.

You can get in contact with the show on Twitter and Facebook or you can e-mail us at We'll read out (and answer) your questions and comments in the appropriate segment. Cheers guys :-)

Games: Episode 22 - The Cursed Episode


It's games time again! David Pealing's audio unfortunately didn't record so we've had to edit this down to sound like a 3 man show with Clive, James Flux and Alex Wain (hence the slightly shorter running time). There's still plenty of content though with a couple of games reviewed and plenty of E3 talk. It's due to trying to recover Dave's audio that this show is coming to you late. We'll be back to a weekly schedule after this! Here's a full list of what's discussed:

Unravel (PS4)
Nintendo E3 Spotlight rundown by Clive
XBox E3 rundown by Flux
Trials: Fusion (PS4)

Please help our expansion efforts by telling your friends, following us on Twitter @StickAroundCast, liking us on, and leaving us reviews on iTunes.

You can get in contact with the show on Twitter and Facebook or you can e-mail us at We'll read out (and answer) your questions and comments in the appropriate segment. Cheers guys :-)

Games: Episode 21 - Lost In The Wild


It's time for more games! Alex Wain hosts as (a sniffly) Clive, James Flux and David Pealing talk about what's been happening on the games front. Clive has finally got his Nintendo Switch and (predictably) loves it. There's a very in depth review of the new Zelda among plenty of other goodies. Here's a full list of what's discussed and the formats we played them on.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo Switch)
Watch Dogs 2 (PS4)
Battlefield 1: They Shall Not Pass DLC (PS4)
Doom (PS4)
Mario Kart 8: Deluxe (Nintendo Switch)

Please help our expansion efforts by telling your friends, following us on Twitter @StickAroundCast, liking us on, and leaving us reviews on iTunes.

You can get in contact with the show on Twitter and Facebook or you can e-mail us at We'll read out (and answer) your questions and comments in the appropriate segment. Cheers guys :-)

Games: Episode 20 - Arachnophobia


Our 2016 best of lists are finally done! Here's our first episode featuring 2017 content. It's games time! Alex Wain hosts as he, Clive, James Flux, David Pealing and special guest Michael Johnson talk games. Clive's Nintendo Switch hasn't arrived yet so expect a PS4 dominated show (although plenty of these games are available on other platforms). Here's a list of what's discussed and what we platforms we played them on:

Battlefield: Hardline (PS4)
Mini Metro (iOS)
Titanfall 2 (PS4)
The Last Guardian (PS4)
Disc Jam (PS4)
Inside (PS4)

Please help our expansion efforts by telling your friends, following us on Twitter @StickAroundCast, liking us on, and leaving us reviews on iTunes.

You can get in contact with the show on Twitter and Facebook or you can e-mail us at We'll read out (and answer) your questions and comments in the appropriate segment. Cheers guys :-)

Games: Episode 19 - Gotta Go Back To School (Best of 2016 Lists)


Hi everyone! Stick Around's annual Top 5 season begins! This year we're starting with games. Clive, James Flux and Dave Pealing go through their favourite games released in 2016 (or in Clive's case played in 2016). There's plenty of variety with games from lots of platforms making the cut. Will anyone have the same No 1? Do they think it's been a good year for video games? Has the Swiss bunker been finished yet? Listen on to find out!

Please help our expansion efforts by telling your friends, following us on Twitter @StickAroundCast, liking us on, and leaving us reviews on iTunes.

You can get in contact with the show on Twitter and Facebook or you can e-mail us at We'll read out (and answer) your questions and comments in the appropriate segment. Cheers guys :-)

Games: Episode 18 - How Do You Feel About a Rapidash?


It's games time again. James Cable joins us this week to host as Clive, James Flux, David Pealing and Alex Wain discuss what they've been playing. There's an in depth discussion about cartoon horses too. Here's a list of what's discussed/reviewed:

Destiny (PS4)
Ratchet & Clank (PS4)
Rise of The Tomb Raider (PS4)
Peggle (iOS, Android)
Nintendo Switch news!!

Please help our expansion efforts by telling your friends, following us on Twitter @StickAroundCast, liking us on, and leaving us reviews on iTunes.

You can get in contact with the show on Twitter and Facebook or you can e-mail us at We'll read out (and answer) your questions and comments in the appropriate segment. Cheers guys :-)

Games: Episode 17 - French Charizard


Once again apologies for the delay in getting this episode out! Time for some games! Alex Wain hosts as Clive and James Flux discuss the games they've been playing. More Virgin Island news is included as always. Here's a list of all the games discussed and platforms we played them on:

Doom (XBox One)
Pokemon Trading Card Game Online (PC)
The Order: 1886 (PS4)
Nintendo Pocket Football Club (3DS)

Please help our expansion efforts by telling your friends, following us on Twitter @StickAroundCast, liking us on, and leaving us reviews on iTunes.

You can get in contact with the show on Twitter and Facebook or you can e-mail us at We'll read out (and answer) your questions and comments in the appropriate segment. Cheers guys :-).

Games: Episode 16 - Swiss Bunker


After almost a month off due to our editor being abroad Stick Around is back! We'll be back to more regular episodes from now on! This episode, recorded in primitive circumstances, features talk from Clive, James Flux, David Pealing and Alex Wain about all the latest games they've being playing. Yes, Pokemon Go is covered! 

Here's a full list of all the games discussed and the platforms our reviewers played them on:

Overwatch (PS4)
Pokemon Go (iOS and Android)
Uncharted 4 (PS4)
The Witcher 3 (XBox One)
Grow Home (PS4)
Injustice: Gods Among Us (XBox One)

Please help our expansion efforts by telling your friends, following us on Twitter @StickAroundCast, liking us on, and leaving us 5 star reviews on iTunes.

You can get in contact with the show on Twitter and Facebook or you can e-mail us at We'll read out (and answer) your questions and comments in the appropriate segment. Cheers guys :-).



Games: Episode 15 - Boom Shake The Room

The crew is back with lots of games talk in this extra long episode! Alex Wain hosts as Clive, James Flux and Dave Pealing talk lots. We've got a bunch of games from a large variety of consoles covered and then a nice little news segment to finish things off. Here's a list of all the games discussed:

Quantum Break (Xbox One)
World of Tanks (PS4)
Star Fox Zero (Wii U)
Super Time Force (XBox One)
DiRT Rally (PS4)
Rebel Galaxy (PS4)

Please help our expansion efforts by telling your friends, following us on Twitter @StickAroundCast, liking us on, and leaving us 5 star reviews on iTunes.

You can get in contact with the show on Twitter and Facebook or you can e-mail us at We'll read out (and answer) your questions and comments in the appropriate segment. Cheers guys :-).


Games: Episode 14 - Hello, Goodbye


It's time for games! Alex Wain hosts as Clive, James Flux, and David Pealing review some of the games they've been playing. As usual there's plenty of formats covered along with some video game news such as VR and PS4.5. Alex also gives you an update about our offshore HQ.

- Metroid: Zero Mission (GBA/Wii U VC)
- Broforce (PS4)
- Halo: ODST (Xbox One)
- Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved (PS4)
- Firewatch (PS4)
- Mario Tennis Open (3DS)

Please help our expansion efforts by telling your friends, following us on Twitter @StickAroundCast, liking us on, and leaving us 5 star reviews on iTunes.

You can get in contact with the show on Twitter and Facebook or you can e-mail us at We'll read out (and answer) your questions and comments in the appropriate segment. Cheers guys :-).