Films: Episode 5 - Overwatered Plants


Clive would like to apologise about the lateness of this episode, he's been in Prague drinking beer and being all cultural and thus had no time to edit this until he got back.

Michael Johnson is unfortunately missing in this episode as Clive  and Alex Wain discuss the films they've watched over the last few weeks. There's talk about Avengers: Age of Ultron, While We're Young, Cobain: Montage of Heck, Good Kill, Force Majeure, John Wick and a potential new sponsorship deal for the podcast. They've decided not to talk about the film of the month 'Moneyball' until Michael is back but, because they're completely off the rails, they still decide to pick another film of the month. In other words you'll get two films of the month in the next episode. Complete anarchy.

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