Games: Episode 9 - Anthropomorphised Animals


Games has expanded! Along with Clive and Alex Wain we've got two new games regulars making their games debuts in this episode, namely James Flux and David Pealing. They'll be throwing in some Playstation and XBox stuff to balance out Clive's Nintendo love for a podcast that will be a beacon for gaming equality going forward. Here's a list of all the games discussed in this episode:

- Batman: Arkham Knight (XBox One & PS4)
- Donkey Kong Country (SNES)
- Fallout Shelter (iOS)
- Rare Replay (Xbox One)
- 3D Fantazy Zone 2 (3DS)

Editor's Notes: Flux's audio is a little distorted occasionally as his input gain was a touch too high (my fault). Will sort this for next time. - Clive

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