TV Shows: Episode 20 - You're Supposed To Keep Presents
This episode is pretty much SPOILER FREE unless you're not up to date with Game of Thrones in which case there are some very minor spoilers. See the list below for exact timings.
It's TV shows time again. Clive hosts as James Cable, Alex Wain and Josh Keighley discuss the TV they've been watching. There's plenty of the shows you'll probably be expecting to hear about and one that you're probably not. There's also a bit of a Game of Thrones preview. Here's a full list of what's discussed.
Dear White People (Season 1)
White Gold (Season 1)
Made In Chelsea (Yep)
The Keepers
The Handmaid's Tale
Better Call Saul
45.30 - Game of Thrones Season 7 Preview (slight spoilers if you've not watched everything yet).
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