Music: Episode 20 - aLEX Gon' Give It To Ya

It's music time back on the Stick Around pirate ship. James Cable is missing this week as Clive, Michael Johnson and Alex Wain discuss the musical goings on in their worlds. There's plenty of 2017 releases, some 90's hip-hop as well as an in depth (and rather heated) discussion about 90's disco. Hop on board. Apologies about the humming noise on Michael's mic on this episode! Here's a list of what's discussed:

Tame Impala - Currents (2015)
Mount Eerie - A Crow Looked at Me (2017)
Noreaga - N.O.R.E (1998)
Clive's 2017 releases roundup including:
- Emperor X - Oversleepers International
- White Reaper - The World's Best American Band
- Charly Bliss - Guppy
- IDLES - Brutalism
- Paramore - After Laughter

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