TV Shows: Episode 21 - Moving Too Fast
THIS EPISODE CONTAINS GAME OF THRONES SPOILERS. If you're not up to date yet check the description below for details of timings.
We're back with TV shows! Clive hosts this special episode as James Cable, Joshua Keighley, Alex Wain and super special guest Paul discuss the TV they've been watching. There's plenty of new shows and an extensive section on Game of Thrones including summary thoughts of the first 3 seasons from someone who is catching up and a spoiler free discussion of Season 7 so far. Hop on board.
Made In Abyss
Handmaid's Tale
The Abyss
Rick And Morty
Game of Thrones summary thoughts up to Season 4 Episode 4 by a certain someone (SPOILERS) 42:00 - 53:00
Game of Thrones Season 7 Talk (SPOILER Free, unless you've not seen up to Season 7) 53:00 - 1:05:00
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