Music: Episode 20 - aLEX Gon' Give It To Ya

It's music time back on the Stick Around pirate ship. James Cable is missing this week as Clive, Michael Johnson and Alex Wain discuss the musical goings on in their worlds. There's plenty of 2017 releases, some 90's hip-hop as well as an in depth (and rather heated) discussion about 90's disco. Hop on board. Apologies about the humming noise on Michael's mic on this episode! Here's a list of what's discussed:

Tame Impala - Currents (2015)
Mount Eerie - A Crow Looked at Me (2017)
Noreaga - N.O.R.E (1998)
Clive's 2017 releases roundup including:
- Emperor X - Oversleepers International
- White Reaper - The World's Best American Band
- Charly Bliss - Guppy
- IDLES - Brutalism
- Paramore - After Laughter

Please help our expansion efforts by telling your friends, following us on Twitter @StickAroundCast, liking us on, and leaving us reviews on iTunes.

You can get in contact with the show on Twitter and Facebook or you can e-mail us at We'll read out (and answer) your questions and comments in the appropriate segment. Cheers guys :-)

Games: Episode 22 - The Cursed Episode


It's games time again! David Pealing's audio unfortunately didn't record so we've had to edit this down to sound like a 3 man show with Clive, James Flux and Alex Wain (hence the slightly shorter running time). There's still plenty of content though with a couple of games reviewed and plenty of E3 talk. It's due to trying to recover Dave's audio that this show is coming to you late. We'll be back to a weekly schedule after this! Here's a full list of what's discussed:

Unravel (PS4)
Nintendo E3 Spotlight rundown by Clive
XBox E3 rundown by Flux
Trials: Fusion (PS4)

Please help our expansion efforts by telling your friends, following us on Twitter @StickAroundCast, liking us on, and leaving us reviews on iTunes.

You can get in contact with the show on Twitter and Facebook or you can e-mail us at We'll read out (and answer) your questions and comments in the appropriate segment. Cheers guys :-)

TV Shows: Episode 20 - You're Supposed To Keep Presents


This episode is pretty much SPOILER FREE unless you're not up to date with Game of Thrones in which case there are some very minor spoilers. See the list below for exact timings.

It's TV shows time again. Clive hosts as James Cable, Alex Wain and Josh Keighley discuss the TV they've been watching. There's plenty of the shows you'll probably be expecting to hear about and one that you're probably not. There's also a bit of a Game of Thrones preview. Here's a full list of what's discussed. 

Dear White People (Season 1)
White Gold (Season 1)
Made In Chelsea (Yep)
The Keepers
The Handmaid's Tale
Better Call Saul

45.30 - Game of Thrones Season 7 Preview (slight spoilers if you've not watched everything yet).

Please help our expansion efforts by telling your friends, following us on Twitter @StickAroundCast, liking us on, and leaving us reviews on iTunes.

You can get in contact with the show on Twitter and Facebook or you can e-mail us at We'll read out (and answer) your questions and comments in the appropriate segment. Cheers guys :-)


Films: Episode 23 - Loki Plots


We're back round to films! David Pealing hosts as he, Clive, Michael Johnson and Alex Wain talk about a bunch of the latest films they've seen. There's a guest appearance from Snowy the dog as well as news about the goings on on our pirate galleon. Here's a list of what's discussed:

Mindhorn (2017)
Alien: Covenant (2017)
The Conversation (1974)
Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 2 (2017)

Please help our expansion efforts by telling your friends, following us on Twitter @StickAroundCast, liking us on, and leaving us reviews on iTunes.

You can get in contact with the show on Twitter and Facebook or you can e-mail us at We'll read out (and answer) your questions and comments in the appropriate segment. Cheers guys :-)

Music: Episode 19 - I'm Not a Bird


We're back for some music talk! Alex Wain hosts as James Cable, Clive, Michael Johnson and super special guest Josh Keighley discuss a whole bunch of albums. There's plenty of 2017 releases but also a lot from 2014 for some strange reason. Expect controversial opinions, Clive attempting to rap, and some great harmonica playing from Josh. Magical. Here's the large list of everything discussed:

Kendrick Lamar - DAMN. (2017)
The Front Bottoms - Talon of The Hawk (2014)
Cloud Nothings - Here Or Nowhere Else (2014)
Bombay Bicycle Club - So Long, See You Tomorrow (2014)
Father John Misty - Pure Comedy (2017)
Slowdive - Slowdive (2017)
Clive's rundown of his favourite 2017 releases so far including:
- The Feelies - In Between
- Blanck Mass - World Eater
- Japandroids - Near to the Wild Heart of Life
- The Shins - Heartworms
- Loyle Carner - Yesterday's Gone
- Wild Pink - Wild Pink

Please help our expansion efforts by telling your friends, following us on Twitter @StickAroundCast, liking us on, and leaving us reviews on iTunes.

You can get in contact with the show on Twitter and Facebook or you can e-mail us at We'll read out (and answer) your questions and comments in the appropriate segment. Cheers guys :-)

Games: Episode 21 - Lost In The Wild


It's time for more games! Alex Wain hosts as (a sniffly) Clive, James Flux and David Pealing talk about what's been happening on the games front. Clive has finally got his Nintendo Switch and (predictably) loves it. There's a very in depth review of the new Zelda among plenty of other goodies. Here's a full list of what's discussed and the formats we played them on.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo Switch)
Watch Dogs 2 (PS4)
Battlefield 1: They Shall Not Pass DLC (PS4)
Doom (PS4)
Mario Kart 8: Deluxe (Nintendo Switch)

Please help our expansion efforts by telling your friends, following us on Twitter @StickAroundCast, liking us on, and leaving us reviews on iTunes.

You can get in contact with the show on Twitter and Facebook or you can e-mail us at We'll read out (and answer) your questions and comments in the appropriate segment. Cheers guys :-)

TV Shows: Episode 19 - Pirate Galleon


We're excited to be back to a weekly release schedule! We're back with some TV shows. Clive hosts as James Cable, David Pealing and Alex Wain talk about all the TV shows they've been watching. There's plenty of TV as you'd expect but also talk about bunkers and pirate ships, which, you know, everyone loves. Here's a handy list of everything discussed:

- 13 Reasons Why
- Peter Kay's Car Share
- A roundup of what Cable's been watching (Suits, Once Upon A Time, The Expanse, Love)
- Iron Fist
- Catastrophe
- Cable's Anime roundup focusing mainly on Shouwa Genroku Rakogu Shinjuu (yep) but also Attack On Titan and Little Witch Academia

Please help our expansion efforts by telling your friends, following us on Twitter @StickAroundCast, liking us on, and leaving us reviews on iTunes.

You can get in contact with the show on Twitter and Facebook or you can e-mail us at We'll read out (and answer) your questions and comments in the appropriate segment. Cheers guys :-)


Books: Episode 8 - On The Pulse


In our biggest ever books podcast Alex Wain hosts as he, Clive, Josh Keighley, David Pealing and special guest James Cable discuss what they've been reading in the first few months of 2017. There's a whole bunch of books discussed including a fair few classics. Here's a full list of what we talk about throughout this beautifully long episode:

The Godfather by Mario Puzo
The Red Prince by Timothy Snyder
The World of Yesterday by Stefan Zweig
The Graduate by Charles Webb
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Zone One by Colson Whitehead
American Gods & Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
The Shadow of the Wind by Carloz Ruiz Zafon
Confessions by Jaume Cabre
Waiting For The Barbarians by J.M Coetzee
The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell

Please help our expansion efforts by telling your friends, following us on Twitter @StickAroundCast, liking us on, and leaving us reviews on iTunes.

You can get in contact with the show on Twitter and Facebook or you can e-mail us at We'll read out (and answer) your questions and comments in the appropriate segment. Cheers guys :-)

Films: Episode 22 - Racist Vans


David Pealing (whose mic has a few issues this episode) hosts as Clive (who arrives slightly late), Michael Johnson and Alex Wain discuss a whole host of 2017 (UK) releases. As well as a whole load of excellent reviews, there's also a plethora of tree puns, and who doesn't like a good tree pun? Here's a handy list of what's discussed: 

Get Out (2017)
Moonlight (2017)
A Monster Calls (2017)
Personal Shopper (2017)
Manchester By The Sea (2017)
Anonymous (2011)
A Silent Voice (2017)
Logan (2017)

A quick round up of some other 2017 releases including Hidden Figures, Lego Batman, La La Land and much more.

Please help our expansion efforts by telling your friends, following us on Twitter @StickAroundCast, liking us on, and leaving us reviews on iTunes.

You can get in contact with the show on Twitter and Facebook or you can e-mail us at We'll read out (and answer) your questions and comments in the appropriate segment. Cheers guys :-)

Games: Episode 20 - Arachnophobia


Our 2016 best of lists are finally done! Here's our first episode featuring 2017 content. It's games time! Alex Wain hosts as he, Clive, James Flux, David Pealing and special guest Michael Johnson talk games. Clive's Nintendo Switch hasn't arrived yet so expect a PS4 dominated show (although plenty of these games are available on other platforms). Here's a list of what's discussed and what we platforms we played them on:

Battlefield: Hardline (PS4)
Mini Metro (iOS)
Titanfall 2 (PS4)
The Last Guardian (PS4)
Disc Jam (PS4)
Inside (PS4)

Please help our expansion efforts by telling your friends, following us on Twitter @StickAroundCast, liking us on, and leaving us reviews on iTunes.

You can get in contact with the show on Twitter and Facebook or you can e-mail us at We'll read out (and answer) your questions and comments in the appropriate segment. Cheers guys :-)